
Follow me on my journey to lose weight and get healthy.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A new week dawns...

Well, maybe "dawns" isn't quite the right word, seeing as I didn't get started on my workout until almost 11:30 PM (which is why this post isn't hitting the web until almost 12:30 AM Tuesday morning). I've been thinking about switching my workout time back to mornings after I get home from work, but with a sick wife and a 5-month-old that wants to play while his mommy is trying to take a nap, I've been busy playing nurse and daddy in the mornings. Additionally, I prefer to only shower once a day, shortly before going to work, so exercising after I get up as opposed to before I go to bed fits in with that schedule nicely.

It was strength training day again, and this week I've upped my weight to 12.5 pounds on every exercise, with the exception of 20 pounds for the standard bicep curls. Of great encouragement to me was being able to do 10 standard push-ups, 10 fly push-ups, and all 21 of the 7-7-7 push-ups (again modifying the narrow hands version by widening my foot stance).

I had to stop for a bit partway through the third circuit because I felt a bit sick. I'm not sure what the cause was. Not enough water before working out? Drinking too much too soon before the routine? Too much water during the session? Sleeping from 5 PM - 10 PM (rather than my normal 10 AM - 7 PM) and not eating enough before going to bed? Whatever it was, I took a break for a few minutes and the spell passed.

It's a new week. Get out there and do something with it. Happy exercising!

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