
Follow me on my journey to lose weight and get healthy.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Return of the Whole30 Challenge - Day Sixteen

Happy Wednesday, food-loving friends. Today was my day off, and I think overall I'm feeling pretty good, though I had a bit of a tickle in my throat this afternoon that I hope doesn't mean I'm coming down with something. It was nice to sleep in a couple of hours and have an easy start to the day. I was able to do some sermon preparation while Abi and Lukas went to the park, too. It'd be nice to have the next day or two off to finish that up, but I'll just have to do what I can.

Things are moving along with the house, too. We received notification today that the seller has agreed to fix the issues we raised from the inspection, which is a huge relief. God's hand has been evident in this entire process. Sure, there are still things we will need/would like to do to the house, but we will deal with those as necessary.

One bit of a downer is that we got the bill today for my MRI (from back in February). Insurance covered about 1/3 of it, which is definitely something, but we're still left owing about $750. :P I had held off on getting the MRI for several weeks because I knew what the issue was, but I finally needed to do it in order to get the necessary excuses for work.

Getting my back into shape is one reason for doing the Whole30. Reducing systemic inflammation while also losing weight will go a long way to preventing future disc herniations. Beyond that, I need to be consistent with a solid exercise program, something that I'm struggling to accomplish. Do you ever feel like you've just got too much going on? It's feeling more like that every day.

Okay, so how about I let you in on the menu for today? Because of the late breakfast, I didn't have an actual lunch, just a couple of compliant snacks.

Four-egg omelette
Green onion sausage
Bell pepper

Lunch (Snack):
1 gala apple with almond butter
1 Larabar

Leftover Meatloaf
Steamed zucchini with Trader Joe's 21 Seasoning Salute
Summer Cucumber and Tomato Salad

Well, even though I have other things I could/should be doing, I think I will go upstairs and use the exercise bike for a few minutes. Hope to see you back here tomorrow!

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