Abi found a very dramatic website here. It is great to use when revealing exciting news. It's a lot of fun.
The weather has warmed back up to what August usually feels like, and I could definitely tell a difference while out for my run today. It was 87 degrees when I checked back at home, and the breeze was lacking. It wasn't the easiest of workouts, but I continued on and finished it.
Surprisingly, I did better than I expected I would. I clocked 2.34 miles in 30 minutes flat. That's a 12:49 pace. Not as good as last time, but considering my runs were all doubled in length while my walks stayed basically the same, I think it's a great accomplishment. I'm always looking to improve, so I'm hoping to knock at least a few seconds off when I get out on Thursday. One bit of excitement is that if I were able to maintain my overall pace for the duration of a 5K, I would complete the race in less than 40 minutes. At least I'm moving in the right direction for my overall goal.
Strength training of some sort is on the agenda for tomorrow. As for now, it's time to turn on the A/C, do a little stretching, and hit the showers before lunch.
Happy fitness!
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