
Follow me on my journey to lose weight and get healthy.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Can you feel it? Can you FEEL it?

It's been a great Monday, and I only see it getting better!

If you did't already know, I am a published author (well, co-author at this point; for more details, see my main site, www.jwexperience.com). This morning I found a quiet spot at work and sat down for an hour after my shift to write. I didn't write a lot, but the fact that I did it was something in itself.

At home, I did my strength training workout, even though I could have claimed being tired and skipped it. But having stuck with it, I'm quite glad I did. My fitness gains probably aren't very impressive, especially after only five total sessions with Power 90, but it's a start, and that's important.

I noticed today that I was able to crack out a few more push-ups than last time and that the weight I was lifting seemed a bit light for several of the routines. I'm not planning to increase my weight this week, but I can tell the time is approaching.

I've also noticed a small increase in my flexibility. That is something I feel is worth some hype. I am by no means as flexible in the legs and back as I was after finishing physical therapy last year, but I can tell I'm moving in the right direction. In a few weeks, I might even be back to touching my toes.

Random questions for today: What hobbies do you enjoy? How do you make time for them?

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