
Follow me on my journey to lose weight and get healthy.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Return to the C25K...Week 1 Day 1

Hello friends! I'm sorry I've been away for so long. My wife gave birth to our first child, a son, on November 27th, and adjusting to life with a newborn as well as coping with continued problems in the legs and back have been pretty convenient excuses to not be active. However, I know I've needed to get active again, so here I am. If for some reason I have to discontinue the C25K program, I will find something else to do rather than sit back and do nothing.

I hit the gym this morning at about 12:30 after leaving work at midnight. It's kinda nice to have the gym basically to myself, but at the same time I enjoy being able to look outside and see life happening during the day. The fitness center at work was supposed to open yesterday, but since it didn't, I'm glad I still have my gym membership (I was going to cancel on Saturday, but the fee for that is $60; since I only have two more months at $20/month, guess what choice I made). My understanding is that the fitness center at work is going to be in the basement of one of the buildings, so probably no windows at all, but it's free. I do know that they have the same model of treadmill as what I've been using, so I won't have to adjust to a different one.

And for you number crunchers, here are the stats:

0.00-5.00 - 3.5 mph
5.00-6.00 - 5.0 mph
6.00-7.30 - 4.0 mph
7.30-8.30 - 5.0 mph
8.30-10.00 - 4.0 mph
10.00-11.00 - 5.0 mph
11.00-12.30 - 4.0 mph
12.30-13.30 - 5.0 mph
13.30-15.00 - 4.0 mph
15.00-16.00 - 5.0 mph
16.00-17.30 - 4.0 mph
17.30-18.30 - 5.0 mph
18.30-20.00 - 4.0 mph
20.00-21.00 - 5.0 mph
21.00-22.30 - 4.0 mph
22.30-23.30 - 5.0 mph
23.30-25.00 - 4.0 mph
25.00-30.00 - 3.5 mph

Total distance: 2.05 miles. Pace: 14:38.

I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do on my off days, but I know I should come up with something. Oh well, time enough for that. I don't want to overdo it from the beginning and burn out.

I hope you can find time to get some activity going. We all need it, whether we realize it or not. Have a great day!

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