
Follow me on my journey to lose weight and get healthy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A long-awaited update...

Hello, friends.

Yes, it has been quite some time since I've posted here. And, unfortunately, I have some bad news.

I don't know exactly how I did it, but I have a herniated disc...again. This is the third time since January of 2012 (actually, that first time, it probably happened in November of 2011, but the symptoms didn't keep me away from work or become horrendously painful until January of 2012).

One frustration is that this third experience has come at a shorter interval. I've suffered from back problems since I was in high school (and looking back, I would tend to believe that my past problems have also been due to my disc herniating), and both the frequency and intensity have increased with the passing of the years. This puts me into a position of feeling less than optimistic about the future.

My hope is to see my family doctor today or Thursday (I have to call in at 8 AM to see if there is space for me). I haven't seen him since last year, probably in March, when my last herniation resolved. However, it was at the suggestion of my chiropractor that I ask for a steroid prescription. Two times now that has been the only thing to get me over the hump of pain and on the road to recovery, so it is my hope that the doctor will be willing to prescribe the medication again, even though I know it's terrible for the liver, especially long-term.

Flexibility and weight have been two of my major issues for years, so my goals after getting back on my feet are to increase my flexibility through regular stretching and exercise (and possibly physical therapy) and to start seriously dropping the pounds. If you look back to my series about eating on the Whole 30 meal plan, I lost a considerable amount of weight in short order simply by altering my diet. Now, unfortunately, I'm in the position of needing to drop 55-65 pounds. I'm going to be back on the Whole 30 plan starting Monday (need time to organize and get food), but rather than doing it for 30 days, I'm going to have to stick with it at least through the end of August.

I have heard good things about the Trim Healthy Mama way of eating, and it is a style of eating that I would consider transitioning into if I can get my head fully wrapped around the types of meals, what goes with each type, when to eat them, and how to space the different meals when switching.

Otherwise, I am thinking more of a paleo style of eating (even though I do not ascribe to the overall premise)...really, eliminating processed foods and added sugars is the order of the day. I have done well with short-term elimination of these things in the past, but for the good of my body, it's going to have to be an almost permanent elimination, with just a little wiggle room for special occasions (this will make date nights interesting, because I know I'm programmed for the "dinner and a movie" type dates).

For accountability purposes, I am going to start blogging about my food again. I might not post every day, but I will give a complete reckoning of what I've consumed, and may even include pictures.

Here's to living a healthier life! We all can do better, and I hope to do my part in leading the way.